Monday, June 20, 2011

"Tango Magic" of one of our service dogs working his little man through a meltdown

This is a video that EVERYONE should watch.  Tango was one of IF NOT the best dog that I have ever placed.  There was alot and I don't say that lightly...I mean ALOT of work done with Logan getting him ready for Tango's arrival and alot of work done with Tango not to mention alot of mental preperation for myself for his departure.  In this video Logan is having a meltdown and Tango is doing many different things in order to get Logan out of the meltdown.  Logan would have many of the meltdowns during the course of the day and most of them would last for a LONG time.  As you can see this one was started and finished in something like less than 2 minutes.  This particular family is WONDERFUL at posting YouTube videos on their progress.  I will see if I can find any others and eventually get them posted.  

AND in the meantime if this actually posts without causing me any problems (posting the video that is)...I may just have to celebrate tonight.  That would be 2 things related to technology that I learned how to do today.  LOL 

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