Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year....New Beginnings

Ok - so it has been a while since I posted on here again, but all has been good...in fact, VERY GOOD at the training facility.  We have seen alot of positive things happen here over the last 2 months that have kept us extremely busy and in a very good sort of way.

Our news footage that we were so excited about was aired on Fox 6 News in Milwaukee on November 21st...just in time for Thanksgiving.  If you have not seen the story, check out our website at www.CompassionatePaws.org and you can view the video on our home page.  BUT - it isn't one that young children should see before the parents see it.  There is some strong content in it that isn't meant for children to see....so viewer beware.

The week after Thanksgiving we placed Willow the Service Dog to his forever family in Kirkland, WA.  They are having alot of success with her and even though we miss her highly at the facility - she is doing a remarkable job doing the things that she is trained to do and then some.  She is with a WONDERFUL family and I am very proud of them all.

The week after that we placed Cena with her forever family and it sounds like things are going very good with them as well.  Cena is a wonderful dog as well but she is a player...she likes to be "right there" we could say and pays very close attention to her child friend. 

We are starting off the new year with alot of new and exciting this that we have planned and advances that we hope Compassionate Paws, Inc. can make and various services that we can offer that to this point has only been a dream for us.  In fact, the first step with that was successfully accomplished with that just this morning....I informed my husband of my "grand plan" which usually causes him to panic but this time he sounded like he was completely on board with it.  More information will follow as it becomes available...but it will be a wonderful service for families - once it gets going.

I took off the last 10 days to be with my family and enjoy the holidays with them and that allowed me to regain sanity and a new appreciation for the work that I do.  I didn't realize it at that time, but it was a much needed "vacation" for me and I am so much happier now and ready to hit the pavement running.