Friday, October 21, 2011

Training update

Things have been going very nice lately at the training facility....but we have also been VERY busy.  We just signed on 2 new clients this week (which is very exciting for me).  We are getting 3 new puppies - 2 over the weekend so that is very exciting for us and the 3rd we are still looking for. 

All the dogs are making wonderful progress.  Training for each of the individual dogs is either on schedule or actaully going at ahead of schedule.  Loren, my husband has been such a wondeful asset to Compassionate Paws, Inc.  He gives the dog the aspects of receiving commands from a man vs always getting the commands from a woman and occassionally from children.  For those of you who don't know Loren quit his job (that he has been at for 23 years) to work full time for Compassionate Paws, Inc.  That was a HUGE move for us as a family but also one for us financially simply because his income was a secured income and now it is based on how many clients we have.  But, it is the best business move I could have ever made. 

We are getting ready to place Rocco in approx 1 week.  Willow will be placed in November and Cena will be placed in December.....January we actaully don't have any placements scheduled for and that is exciting for us (kind of a break). 

Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather we are having (if you live in WI) it is windy and cold.  YUCK!!!   Sounds like it is going to be one of the worst winters on least that is what I have been hearing.  I soooo hate winter!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Today's training

Today went pretty good with the training.  Everyone is starting to understand each others position in the pack - all over again.  We just added another puppy and about the time that they get comfortable we will be adding another 3 puppies.

Everyone listed pretty well to the directions that were given and we worked with some of the much needed maintanence work around the dog yard.  Now we are just waiting for the snow to start flying. 

Friday we have our scheduled annual inspection from the County Health Inspector.  Each year we go through it and it is just another formality but one that we pass with flying colors every year.  This year though we are on the ball and going to get it done in October vs January like we seem to do every year.  Hopefully the weather will be somewhat decent and we can actually not freeze our backends off.

Other than that things went really well today at the "ranch" as it is called by some people. 

So long to the nice weather

It sounds like tomorrow is the last day for the nice temps, however it is suppose to rain.  This means that we are done with our BEAUTIFUL 75 -80` weather with plenty of sunshine.  It is going to be getting cold like temps in the 50's and rain for the rest of the week. 

Training will be intersting as everyone in our house is sick  - that is going to sure make it fun it terms of being outside in the wind, rain and cold doing training but it ought to make for some very intersting stories. 

Happy Monday everyone and watch for details on how this week goes with the training.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A note about maintaining training

JUST AS A NOTE:  It is really important to maintin the training on your service dog.  Compassionate Paws, Inc. provides the preliminary training.  We get the dog ready to go to you.  Obedience, housebreaking (even though none of it is perfect and will not be in a 1 year old dog), and the specialized training that they will do for their "person".  We get the dogs prepared for all of this. 

Once the dog is placed it doesn't mean that the training can stop.  Each on of the dogs here are worked with at a minimium of 1 hour a day of individualized training time which is 30 minutes more than most kennel clubs would recommend spending.  THEN we spend at least 30 minutes (and that depends on the weather outside) with group socialization time working with the dogs.  These things need to be maintained when the dogs are placed into their forever homes.  If these things are not maintained you will have ended up with a very expensive house pet. 

We make sure to inform all our clients on the importance of the maintanence of the training - it is going to be one of the most important aspects IF NOT THE MOST important aspect once your dog is permanently living in your home.   PLEASE take the advise that we are giving you.  We want to see you succeed because when you succeed - we succeed. 

We don't live with you...we can only advise you.  If you chose to not take our advise the placement of the service dog in your home YOU - NOT YOUR SERVICE DOG will fail. 

These are things to keep in mind when receiving your service dog.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New addition to our training family

"Zach" a VERY adorable Golden Retreiver puppy (approx 7 weeks old) was added into our training family yesterday (photos are below).  He is extremely playful and happy and loves to get into trouble.  My daughter and her best friend got home from school yesterday (yes, her best friend was at our house) and when I could not find them - I finally decided to make it to the kennel and there the girls were sitting in the kennel playing with Zach. 

Rocco has been also making HUGE progress over the last 2 weeks.  Any anxiety seems to be gone and his should be placed with his forever home within the next couple weeks. 

We are sending out our 1st edition of our newsletter this week, so be watching for it.  If you are not already on our mailing list (this will come through e-mail) and wish to get a copy of it or know of anyone that would like to get a copy of it please let us know and we will be glad to add them so that they get a copy of it as well. 

For now,here are a couple of photos of Zach napping on the couch with Loren yesterday afternoon.  Hopefully the photos come through ok.  Again, computers are not my strength.

Monday, October 3, 2011

I'm Back!!!!!!

So, it has been a while since I have written anything on here and have been reminded of that by some WONDERFUL clients :).  It has been extremely busy.  August we traveled to California to do a placement and that went really good while we were there, but since we got back and in the weeks between now and then the family sent us back a dog that was starved and abused.  They didn't do what was instructed of them and therefore the placement didn't work...and we got back a broken dog.  September we managed to do 2 placements.  Both of them went very nicely and I think will be highly successful.

Since the last post (I think it was July sometime) Loren (my husband) has come on full time with us as well.   THAT has been a blessing in disguise!!!!  And that is to say it mildly.  He is wonderful working with the dogs and gives them the aspect of a man giving commands so that it isn't always the females that the dogs pay most attention to.  He works with them for a while outside then he brings them into the house for me to work with for a while (while I am doing computer/phone work) and then we have group training time in the dog yard after that.  It is working so nicely and I am happy to have him working with us.

Other than that, nothing really new to post.  There are so many up and coming changes that are taking place and for the good.  I am working on and will HOPEFULLY be able to get our first edition of our newsletter out this week.  Just working on some finishing touches with that.  I am starting to create a nice database of people just wanting to "follow" us which is really important as well.  Things are just really going in the right direction. 

This month I don't have ANY placements (not sure what I am going to do with myself cuz I am so used to doing placements).  In November I have 2 set up and will have 1 in December.  So it will be a very busy rest of the year here. 

So for now, keep an eye out for the newsletter - it will be e-mailed to everyone.  If you see something that you would like to see changed (let me know) or if it isn't quite right, remember.......I am a dog trainer, not a computer person so I have not much idea how to do these things....I am learning as I go along.

Hope everyone has a nice week and I am going to make it a habit to do the blog on a more frequent basis, but if not (at least weekly) bug me about it....that usually helps.  LOL
