Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Let the legal battles begin

I tried to post multiple times yesterday but with the weather I kept loosing power and finally decided that it was't worth fighting mother nature and the storms so that I could post an update.

Let the legal battle begin....a very good friend of mine who has a Mobility Service Dog that I certified was denied public access at a place that she VOLUNTEERS at.  She was denied this access for a multitude of different reasons that are unlawful.  This is something that makes me VERY upset more than what many people know.  I am going to fight this legal battle right alongside of her and establish that we are not an organization that can be "pushed over" or "paid off" so that a place or school doesn't have to "deal" with a service dog.  I just want to tell the world that I believe in what I believe in and EVERYONE including those who have disabilities deserve the right to live a life where they feel safe and comfortable.  Again, I am blessed with a family where no one has disabilities...I do this because I love it.  I don't do this for the idea of "what is in it for me".  I do it for the idea of I have a gift, yes that can always use improvements but I have a gift and a love for people and animals that I want to share.  I am trying soooooooooooo hard to not let my anger in this be the reason that I am fighting for my friend and everyone else out there that fights this fight every day.  I need to remember that this fight is being fought because I have a passion that I will go to my grave fighting for.

It was kind of a sad day here yesterday, but yet in the same respect a very happy one as well.  One of our training dogs was lucky enough be moved into the home of another trainer.  Yes, it actually is a good thing.  This trainer/family is REMARKABLE in what they do.  Hopefully, we will be able to move all the other dogs through their home during some point and time that they are here.  These are amazing people with an amazing talent.  I would like to share more about this family but for the time being I will need to wait and ask permission.  I am working on that.

With the other dogs yesterday.  We worked for a while with them but being in the middle of a monsoon lately makes it REALLY difficult.  With alot of the dogs the hardest thing is getting them to walk on a leash.  Some of the dogs are alot easier than others, but that seems to be our biggest challenge with most of them.  Sure makes for a sore arm after you get done walking or ATTEMPTING to walk 14 dogs.  UGH!!!! 

We had some massive storms that whipped through the area mid afternoon and a rule that I have here is that if the weather is getting yucky (lightening, or worse) we will do everything in our power to get the dogs indoor to their kennels as long as it is not putting at risk the safety of me, my husband or my kids.  Well, with about 2 - 3 minutes notice of a nasty t-storm and a tornado only 15 minutes to the south and headed straight for us I told the kids to get the dogs in their kennels and WOW!!!!!   I never saw my kids move so fast.  They were amazing.  They didn't panic and knew EXACTLY what to do and how to do it.  Kudos to my kids Nathan and Nicole.  They do alot around here and have alot of responsibility with the animals.  They really do a good job and I don't give them the credit like I should sometimes....Thank you kids.   Mom loves you dearly. 


  1. So here is my curiousity question....Don't they have to be able to walk on leashes to be a service dog? I am curious as to why it's so hard to get compliance...I wouldn't want to have to walk 14 of them! Yikes!

  2. Job well done. Tell Nathan & Nicole to keep up the good work.

  3. Hey Michelle,
    Walking of a leash is only one of the things. In order to be classified a service dog they have to be able to do something for the individual that they are trained for otherwise every dog could be considered a service dog.
