Friday, October 21, 2011

Training update

Things have been going very nice lately at the training facility....but we have also been VERY busy.  We just signed on 2 new clients this week (which is very exciting for me).  We are getting 3 new puppies - 2 over the weekend so that is very exciting for us and the 3rd we are still looking for. 

All the dogs are making wonderful progress.  Training for each of the individual dogs is either on schedule or actaully going at ahead of schedule.  Loren, my husband has been such a wondeful asset to Compassionate Paws, Inc.  He gives the dog the aspects of receiving commands from a man vs always getting the commands from a woman and occassionally from children.  For those of you who don't know Loren quit his job (that he has been at for 23 years) to work full time for Compassionate Paws, Inc.  That was a HUGE move for us as a family but also one for us financially simply because his income was a secured income and now it is based on how many clients we have.  But, it is the best business move I could have ever made. 

We are getting ready to place Rocco in approx 1 week.  Willow will be placed in November and Cena will be placed in December.....January we actaully don't have any placements scheduled for and that is exciting for us (kind of a break). 

Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather we are having (if you live in WI) it is windy and cold.  YUCK!!!   Sounds like it is going to be one of the worst winters on least that is what I have been hearing.  I soooo hate winter!!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your posts! Love you! So happy to hear things are great!
